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AU Month-to-month Bulletin – November 2021

Must read

November 30, 2021

AU Month-to-month Bulletin – November 2021

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African Union Authorized Frameworks goal to interrupt the cycle of violence in opposition to ladies and women
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AU Monthly Bulletin

November 2021 Version

African Union Authorized Frameworks goal to interrupt the cycle of violence in opposition to ladies and women
Dr Kenneth Kaunda
In Africa, essentially the most prevalent types of Violence In opposition to Ladies and Women (VAWG) embody, amongst others, Intimate Accomplice Violence (IPV), which manifests in bodily, sexual or psychological violence by an intimate accomplice; Feminine Genital Mutilation (FGM) …

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AU Institutionalising Electoral Democracy in Africa
From 1-5 November 2021 the AU Fee’s Division of Political Affairs Peace and Safety (PAPS) and the Gambia Nationwide Youth Council collectively

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AMISOM begins development of 68-bed hospital for Somali Nationwide Military
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August 2021 ” width=”17″>
July 2021 ” width=”17″>

Produced by the Data and Communication Directorate

[email protected]

African Union Headquarters P.O. Field 3243, 1 Roosvelt Avenue W21K19, Addis Ababa, EthiopiaTel: +251 (0) 11 551 77 00, | Fax:251 (0) 11 551 78 44

For inquiries and feedback please contact : Head of Communication Division | Editor :
Wynne Musabayana | E mail: [email protected]
Communication Officer : Gamal Eldin Ahmed A. Karrar | E mail: [email protected]

African Union Month-to-month Bulletin

African Union Month-to-month Bulletin


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